The playlist for Monday 10th July is the playlist for the Tessier Gardens gig on 22nd July and has been added to the BUS Playlists & Tunes for the Week page.
The details of the gig are in the BUS Diary, or can be accessed from the ‘Home page’.
The playlist for Monday 10th July is the playlist for the Tessier Gardens gig on 22nd July and has been added to the BUS Playlists & Tunes for the Week page.
The details of the gig are in the BUS Diary, or can be accessed from the ‘Home page’.
An alternative gig playlist and tunes for 8th July at St Margarets School Fayre has been added on BUS Playlists & Tunes for the Week page.
Please bring the tunes for both playlists with you
The gig playlist list and tunes for 2nd July at Paignton Zoo are updated on the BUS Playlists & Tunes for the Week page.
Check them out ready for next Monday’s (26th June) BUS session.
The changes in Playlist #2 Version 7th March 2023 are:
‘Black Velvet Band’ now the short version. The following tunes added: Jackson, Folsom Prison Blues, Your Cheating Heart, London Medley, Leaning On a Lamp-post, Rock Around the Clock / Rocking All Over the World.
See the Bus Playlists & Tunes for the Week page for the details
Changes to the order and two new tunes (Dedicated Follower of Fashion and Jolene)
This playlist is updated with a number of new tunes and posted on BUS Playlists and Tunes for the Week page.
This playlist has been updated and posted on the BUS Playlists and Tunes for the Week page, These tunes have been changed:
This new draft playlist of 70s tunes is posted on the ‘BUS Playlists & Tunes for the Week‘ web page.
Tunes from this playlist will be played at the BUS sessions on Mondays 9th and 16th of January 2023
This updated playlist will be used at the session on Monday 22nd August 2022, and for the THHN gig on Saturday 3rd September
Updated tunes:
Tune added: