Playlist for the two gigs on 23rd November 2024 updated

The playlist for the two gigs on 23rd November 2024 has been updated and posted on the BUS Playlists and Tunes For the Week website page. The change is a new version of ‘Mary’s Boy Child’ which is posted with the file date of 18th November 2024.

Also, the Christmas Songs & Carols web page has been updated. The original two lists of tunes have been consolidated into a single alphabetic list.

Erith House Care Home gig on Wednesday 14th August at 12:00 noon

The details of the Erith House Care Home gig on Wednesday 14th August at 12:00 noon are in the BUS website Diary, and can also be seen on the home page. The address is: Erith House, Lower Erith Road, Torquay, TQ1 2PX.

The Playlist for this gig will be taken from the list of tunes on the BUS Playlists and Tunes For the Week website page at the session on Monday 12th August 2024.  The actual playlist will then be posted and sent out.